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Sunday, May 31, 2009


This post has nothing to do with Mira.  ZOMG.

On Saturday I got my hair cut.  But I wanted something different.  And a little bit crazy.  I figured that I don't have to look professional to be a full time mommie, so if I ever wanted to just go crazy with my hair, now was the perfect time.  I told my hairdresser "classy punk".  Here is the result:

Yes, that is blue in there.  Yes, that is permanent.  I think this is my favorite hair of all time.


Marcy said...

"Classy punk" lol! The cut looks really really cute. =)

Lindsey said...

Love it!! I'm inspired to do something new with my hair, but I keep reminding myself I'm trying to grow it out for Locks of Love, since it's so long already

Anonymous said...

LOVE IT! The cut and the color! LOVE IT!

Donna Kinney said...

This picture doesn't do it justice - it's actually a little cuter than this.

Criss L. Cox said...

I love the blue!!!

(Cute glasses, too! Had I not noticed them before? Or does the new hair make the glasses look hip-er?)