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Friday, April 22, 2011

Mira dances like Aunt KK

My little sister, Katelyn, is a dancer.  Being a senior in high school, she is on the drill team and they just put on their annual spring show.  Brian took Mira to see it and she had a blast watching her Aunt KK (Katelyn's nickname).  Well, a few days later I had some music on and Mira started dancing.  But it wasn't her usual dance moves (where she tucks her hands up by her armpits, sticks her elbows out and flaps her arms up and down like she's doing the chicken dance, all while jumping up and down).  Instead she was extending her arms and bending down low.  So I grabbed the video camera and turned it on.  Here's what happened next:

It's really neat to me that just watching Katelyn dance had such an impact on the way Mira danced.  It's making me think that maybe she's ready for some dance classes, though usually they don't start till age 3.

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