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Sunday, December 6, 2009

Following directions

Mira has learned quite a few different tricks. She now knows:
"Come here" -when accompanied by holding your hands out to her
"Give a kiss" -though she is discerning about when she will do that one, and I say right on for not letting anyone pressure her into kisses ;-P
"Wave hi/bye" -She'll do this one to anyone at anytime; she loves to wave. She'll even sometimes wave unbidden if I say Hi or Bye to her.
"Clap" -This one she will do when someone says Clap or Yay or when someone else claps or even when she hears an applause.
"Pretty smile" -as you can see in the video. This one is pretty new.

Those are the ones that I feel she knows really well, but there is so much more that I tell her to do and she just does it. Things like, at bath time I'll say "Let's go upstairs" and she heads for the stairs. Or "Where's Daddy" and she'll look around for him. Then other things that aren't common for me to say but she responds anyway, like "The toy belongs in the basket" and she'll put it there. It's really amazing to me to think of how much she not only is understanding at this age, but also is *responding* to. She's like a little person or something. ;-P

I think she's also working on saying "cat". Every time she sees a fuzzy animal, she makes a "kkkkkkk" sound. Sometimes she makes it as far as "kkkkkka". At this point she's not discriminating: all furry animals are cats.


Unknown said...

Receptive language is always much higher than expressive language - even for adults. (Think about learning a foreign's always easier to understand than it is to formulate sentences.) The average two-year-old (at age 2, not 2 years 10 months, e.g.) has an expressive vocabulary (words that they say and use consistently) of about 50 words. Receptive vocabulary is MUCH higher at several hundred.

Marcy said...

That is too precious!

Maybe over Christmas she can talk to D about what that "come here" command means, b/c he still doesn't seem to get it... ; )